Sawyer Hill Birth: Scheduling

When do you teach?

Historically, I've scheduled each comprehensive childbirth course as soon as I had the first two deposits in hand. My classes are small, and I've never had a class where we couldn't find a time slot that worked for everyone.

I ask for days, times and dates that you're definitely unavailable, and then work with all students signed up to nail down a schedule as soon as possible.

Conflicts/illness: I make an effort to accommodate student needs. If you have to miss a class because of a serious conflict or illness, I'll schedule a makeup session or otherwise help you catch up to course material.

Current approach

Since the pandemic began I haven't been able to risk teaching classes in my home. I'm currently considering strategies for shifting some classes online; if you're interested, please talk to me and we'll see what we can arrange. I'm also interested in well-ventilated venues willing to host small group classes.


When are you available as a doula?

I haven't been available to attend births since the pandemic began. If and when COVID no longer poses a risk to my own health and that of the people I love, I'll update this page.


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